Reasons to Dehumidify Your Home (+ Ways to Do It)

Many homeowners are familiar with humidity and dampness, especially during summer. These two elements can destroy your home and affect your family’s health. Hence, maintaining the recommended...

Many homeowners are familiar with humidity and dampness, especially during summer. These two elements can destroy your home and affect your family’s health. Hence, maintaining the recommended humidity level is both a health and comfort issue. A dehumidifier comes in handy as far as controlling your home’s humidity level is concerned. 

Dehumidifiers come in different sizes and styles. They remove moisture from the air, preventing mildew, mold, condensation, and musty smells in damp areas of your home.  

Two Major Ways of Dehumidifying Your Home

Adding a Dehumidifier 

There are different types of dehumidifiers homeowners can choose from. You can either use a whole-house unit or a small single-room unit. Most of the single-room units are portable and affordable but high-maintenance. Whole-house units are expensive upfront but low-maintenance, energy-efficient, and quieter than portable models. 

Use of Multi-stage Air Conditioner

A dehumidifier might be unnecessary during winter because it’s usually dry. Hence, a multi-stage air conditioner comes in handy in such circumstances. A multi-stage AC is more efficient to run and might be cheaper than installing a whole-house dehumidifier.

Benefits of Dehumidifying Your Home 

Mold Prevention

Damp and moist air create a conducive environment for mold and mildew growth. Dehumidifying the room removes excess moisture and prevents or reduces mold growth tendencies in your home. Excess mold can trigger skin rashes, eye/throat infections, and sneezing due to allergies.

Enhances Indoor Air Quality

Humidity can lead to increased allergens and toxins like mold spores and dust mites. Using a dehumidifier reduces humidity and dampness, hence improving your home’s indoor air quality. Greater indoor air quality means easier breathing and greater comfort! 

Eliminates Bad Odor 

Excess humidity encourages mold and mildew growth, which results in musty odors. These biological contaminants release foul gases into the area, which attach to fabrics, furniture, and walls. A dehumidifier absorbs excess moisture, which eliminates the musty odors in return. 

Creates a Healthier Environment 

Using a dehumidifier reduces dust mites and keeps spiders, cockroaches, and silverfish away. At the same time, you enjoy a much cooler home and save energy as it reduces your air conditioner use.

 Dehumidifying your home has many health benefits and makes your home more habitable. For any dehumidifier inquiries, reach out to Air Creation Heating & Cooling, LLC. Our team will address all your concerns, giving you a humidity-free home!

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