5 Tips To Minimize the Strain on Your HVAC During the Summer

As temperatures soar during the sweltering summer months, the demand for our HVAC systems to deliver cool, refreshing air becomes more critical than ever. However, the increased strain can lead to...

As temperatures soar during the sweltering summer months, the demand for our HVAC systems to deliver cool, refreshing air becomes more critical than ever. However, the increased strain can lead to wear and tear, higher energy bills, and, inevitably, the premature failure of the unit. Fortunately, with a few strategic actions, homeowners can significantly reduce the strain on their HVAC systems, ensuring efficiency, longevity, and comfort all summer long. Air Creation Heating & Cooling, LLC shares a few tips to help you out.

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  1. Regular Maintenance Checks

The cornerstone of a well-functioning HVAC system is regular maintenance. Before the peak of summer hits, it’s advisable to schedule a professional HVAC check-up. This service should include cleaning or replacing the air filters, which can become clogged with pollen, dirt, and debris during the summer months. Technicians will also inspect the system for any signs of needed repairs or inefficiencies. Regular maintenance not only ensures your system operates at peak efficiency but can also prevent costly repairs down the line.

  1. Utilize Programmable Thermostats

In the heat of summer, it’s tempting to keep your air conditioning at a chilly constant. However, constantly low temperatures can cause your unit to work overtime. Opt for a programmable thermostat instead. With it, you can set your HVAC system to run at higher temperatures when the house is empty and cool down to a comfortable temperature by the time you return. This method prevents your unit from working harder than necessary, reducing wear and tear and saving on energy costs.

  1. Enhance Your Home’s Insulation and Seal Leaks

Poor insulation and air leaks force your HVAC system to work harder than it should. By properly insulating your attic, walls, and crawl spaces and sealing leaks around doors, windows, and ductwork, you can maintain cooler temperatures indoors without overburdening your HVAC system. This not only minimizes strain but also contributes to significant energy savings by keeping the cool air in and the hot summer air out.

  1. Smart Use of Windows and Window Coverings

Solar heat gain through windows can dramatically increase indoor temperatures, pushing your HVAC system to work harder. Invest in blinds, shades, or curtains that block or reflect sunlight, particularly for windows facing south and west. Using these during the hottest parts of the day can significantly reduce the indoor temperature, thereby reducing the need for constant air conditioning. Additionally, considering window films or upgrading to energy-efficient windows can offer long-term benefits by minimizing heat gain and loss.

  1. Don’t Forget about Ventilation and Fans

Enhancing your home’s ventilation can significantly contribute to reducing the strain on your HVAC system. Use ceiling fans to help circulate air within your home, creating a cooler feel and allowing you to set the thermostat at a slightly higher temperature without compromising comfort. Moreover, ensure that your home’s vents are not obstructed by furniture or curtains and that they’re open and clean to promote efficient airflow throughout your space.

Talk to Our Technicians Today

Air Creation Heating & Cooling, LLC understands the importance of a smoothly running HVAC system, especially during the relentless summer months. By embracing these tips, you can ensure that your HVAC system operates efficiently, providing a comfortable refuge for your family without the added strain.  Should you require professional maintenance, repair, or advice on enhancing your home’s energy efficiency, our team is ready to assist. Call us at  (225) 313-0550 , or  reach us online  to schedule an appointment!

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